For week one I went down to a paddock near my Mum and Dads house ( while they looked after little one). I went there in the early evening at about 4pm. It is Autumn here now so the light was fading fairly quickly I felt.
I did the tasks in order for some reason- maybe it was just the way I remembered them.
I found this tree which I loved the look of. I have to say I am not convinced it makes a good landscape photograph. On that note, I noticed I was not as excited about doing this task because it was landscape, I much prefer family photography.
I thought about not placing the tree in the centre of the photo but decided to do it for several reasons:
1- I loved how the clouds were forming in this shot.
2- There were power lines I was trying to avoid in the shot
3- Well I can't remember now but I know at the time there was a three.
For this task I chose to also do it at the same place. I found this task easier than the above one for some reason, Not sure why.
For the final task for the week I chose to use the dog as a subject. I have to say it was hard keeping her still.
This has nothing to do with the tasks for the week however I am looking for opinions on some work I did this weekend. I am partially taking this course to see if I have any talent in doing family photography and start to set up a portfolio with a view to a business. Good friends of my husband and mine agreed to be subjects for me. Stacey was a trooper considering she is having awful morning sickness at the moment.
Gemma! Looks like you are doing some "lifestyle" type of shoots for families! I love this! I'm such a sucker for any type of photography that captures totally everyday things because I think so many people can relate to it. I think the game of peek -a - boo at the end is really sweet and of course I LOVE the shots at the piano. Probably because I'm a musician and I have hardly any images of my childhood of me actually at the piano in an everyday setting and not just in a concert setting. I think you totally have a great start to doing family work!